Comic Books and
Graphic Novels

I love comic books and graphic novels; always have. For better or worse, they've been, to a large extent, responsible for making me who I am today. They combine all the fun of visual storytelling, as in movies and TV, with writing dialogue that's to be read, rather than spoken (big difference, and one of the main reasons why many writers proficient in one medium find it so hard to work in the other).

Comic Books and Graphic Novels

  • Crimefighter, four issue miniseries for Platinum Studios, forthcoming in 2008-09.
  • The Irregulars, graphic novel (with Steven-Eliot Altman), Dark Horse Comics, 2005.
  • Force Of One, series sold to Top Cow Productions, 2004.
  • Crimefighter, feature development of comic book series for Platinum Studios, 2003.
  • Three issues of Superman Adventures for DC Comics, 1999-2001.
  • One issue of The Batman Adventures for DC Comics, 1993.
  • One story for "Roger Rabbit Comics" in Disney Adventures Magazine, Dec. 1991.
  • Three issues of Fusion for Eclipse Comics, 1988-1989.
  • One issue of Teen Titans Spotlight for DC Comics, 1988.
Hell On Earth: "Belongs in most horror or dark fantasy collections"
Library Journal