
These are a few links I've found that I thought worthy of passing on. Several friends of mine; several publishers; several on the craft and business of writing, and several just for fun. There'll probably be more as I come across them ...


Neil Gaiman's Website

Steve Perry's Website

The Owl Springs Partnership:
Diane Duane's and Peter Morwood's Website

Christopher Drozd's Sport Specific Fitness

Mystic Fig Studios:
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff's Page

News From ME:
Mark Evanier's Blog

The Zicree Zone:
Marc and Elaine Zicree's Website



Dangerous Visions Online Bookstore

Dark Delicacies Bookstore

Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore


Writing & On-Line Reference

Writers Guild of America

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America



The Eclectic Writer

The Daily Script



Tor SF and Fantasy

Del Rey Books

Baen Books

Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine

Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine



Movie Mistakes

New Scientist

Anders' Mad Scientist Page

The Straight Dope

The Cthulhu WebRing


Worthy Causes

The Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

People For The American Way



Cybertorpedo Web Design and Development
"Reaves understands and writes science fiction as few people in Hollywood can."

Harve Bennett
Producer of
The Six Million Dollar Man and Star Trek II, III, IV and V.
