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Book Reviews

On Target
Le Noel’s command and clear descriptive use of English only partly makes On Target worth reading - not all professional hunters, no matter how impressive their anecdotes, are necessarily good writers, but Le Noel is. There is nothing worse than a good story poorly told, but no danger of that in On Target - the reader is vividly taken into Central Africa which feels familiar because of the historical background provided by the author. Give me a little history in any story - it only serves to enhance.

Solo Safari - Terrance Cacek
Terry Cacek could be described as a typical American. He has a very normal job as a biologist with the Federal Department of National Parks. He lives in the state of Colorado on the edge of the Rockies. He is a keen hunter. Nothing unusual there since hunting is a passion shared by many, many millions of Americans. He has a passion for Africa which he also shares with most American hunters. He wants to hunt in Africa. However the cost of an African Safari being what it is, few normal American hunters can afford it. Terry can’t afford it either but this is where he breaks out of being normal. Through sheer determination, he has hunted not once but many times in the continent which holds so much fascination for the hunters of the World. It is these experiences which he shares with us in this book.


Sighting the Elusive Green Monkeys of Kanyemba - I.J. Larivers
Focus on the foresight whilst valiantly struggling to keep them within three or four compass points of that ethereal and ill-defined object that you know deep down inside to be a target. Animate or otherwise. Gently yank the trigger back, whilst slamming both eyes shut to make the whole world go away, and simultaneously damning the ancestors who begot you. Sound at all familiar? The day after the night before. Whether in the bush or on the target range, many of us are no doubt familiar with the struggle to function within that partial vacuum which is, well, a hangover.

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